SAMA parfume – naturlige dufte fra fransk parfumør

SAMA – er naturlige og rene dufte fra parfumørens – Sandrine GIORDANENGO – værksted i “Les Gorges du Tarn” i Sydfrankrig. Stedet er omgivet af stærk energi blandt kilder, floder, klipper og bjerge.

SAMA parfumer er skabt på de reneste essenser uden tilsætning af kemi og ved nænsom udtræk fra rødder, træ og blomster fra alverdens lande.

SAMA Sanskrit means calmness, tranquility, control of the mind: ability to keep the mind within and unaffected by external world

– SAMA emphasises the sourcing of natural ingredients and is committed to providing highly-effective compounds and delivering the highest quality standards.
– At SAMA, we select herbal ingredients grown organically in the most suitable locations around the world, harvested at their maturity peak and when the concentration in active ingredients reaches its highest levels.
– Raw materials are natural extracts of flowers, leaves, wood, bark, roots, resins, fruits and spices. They are harvested by organic farms or in the wild with full respect for nature, traditions and local populations.
– SAMA’s products are filled with the energy of sunshine, air, rain and soil.
– SAMA strives to preserve the energy and the purity of botanicals all the way, from the plant extract to the finished product.

Som bruger oplever man velbehag, duftglæde og afhængighed

Det gjorde Fusionistaen, det skriver jeg gerne under på,  da jeg har været parfumesniffer gennem det sidste årstid – til TOM PARFUMEflacon. Min duft hed Loup des Steppes, og den var min lykkeduft i meget lang tid, indtil flasken løb tør og tom. Pludselig var det svært at skaffe ny parfume, så den tomme flacon hjalp mig gennem svær tid på en nærmest kold dufttyrker. Har forsøgt mig med anden industriduft, men det gik ikke godt. Derfor har jeg måttet nøjes med at tage mig et dufthiv af min tomme parfumeflaske. Og tænk engang, hvilken styrke og renhed den må besidde, siden duften stadig gør mig salig.

SAMA parfumer og produkter fås i Danmark eksklusivt hos SAMA i Frederiksværk
SAMA’s products are natural extracts of flowers, wood, resins, fruits and spices. They are charged with the energy of the elements: sunshine, air, rain and soil. All ingredients are handled with love and care all the way from the harvest to the perfume bottle.
More info about our natural and organic ingredients.
Essential oils are the spirits of plants, and as such they feed our souls. Pure and natural plant extracts have a strong impact on our emotional well-being.  SAMA makes vibrational perfumes. They are formulated according to the principles of ayurvedic medicine, in order to bring the body and soul into balance.
Founders Sandrine and Mathieu are artisan perfumers. Sandrine studied yoga and ayurveda in India, while Mathieu distilled roses and orange blossoms in Afghanistan. They travel the world  to find the purest essential oils. They produce the precious tinctures of iris and vanilla, and make the perfume concentrates by hand in order to keep the vibrations alive all the way to the bottle. SAMA about the founders and perfumers of SAMA.
SACRED PERFUMERY The name SAMA is full of spiritual significance: it invokes the sacred melodies of the vedic tradition (Samaveda), the cosmic dance of the sufis (Sâma) as well as the Arabic word meaning “sky”. The logo speaks of flowers and cathedrals, and is freely inspired from the “Flower of Life”, a pattern of sacred geometry that represents circles of consciousness spreading though the universe.


SAMA buys essential oils directly from producers. Producers are selected based on the quality and purity of essential oils and plant extracts, and also on social and environmental criteria.



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